Dear Friend,
The Dalai Lama once said, “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.”
That is both metaphor and real for us at Isles. Through community and school gardens, over 1,000 culturally diverse families and students grow tens of thousands of pounds of fresh food – and deep roots – in the soil of Trenton and beyond.
This time of year, we give thanks to you for helping us build and turn that “soil of appreciation.” Our work would not be possible without you.
In the coming days, you’ll receive a request for support from Isles, describing the impacts you made possible in 2018. We’ll also launch our online #GivingTuesday campaign just after Thanksgiving.
I hope you will help us develop meaningful pathways to family self-reliance and community health.
And I trust you agree – we can use more goodness in the country and world! We can cultivate it together.
From all of us here at Isles, have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Marty Johnson