Dear Friends,
The research is increasingly clear, but it’s not news to us: a green, more natural environment affects our physical and mental health and the health of our communities.
This is particularly true in cities. Over the decades, Isles has partnered with communities to create green, safe spaces – parks, gardens and buildings – that are fun, productive, energy-efficient, and natural.
This newsletter highlights some of our place-making work in the Trenton region, but our work goes beyond the on-the-ground development described here.
Isles is interested in learning and teaching others about, “what works and why?” As a result, in September, I will set aside 50% of my time to be a one-year visiting professor at Princeton University’s Engineering School to teach entrepreneurship from a “social profit” perspective.
John Hart, Isles Chief Operating Officer, will handle some of my CEO responsibilities, and Isles’ Julia Taylor will assume some COO-like functions. Look for upcoming e-newsletter messages from them, as well as other guest writers.
This is how we bring our agenda to a wider audience, so we need your help and friendship more than ever!
Thanks for being there.
In community,