Michael McGuinness


Michael McGuinness has had a 40-year successful career with the private and public sector in association management, government relations, economic development, strategic planning, and public policy formation on business, environmental, land use and real estate issues.  He has numerous published research articles and written opinions on these topics. Mike retired in September 2023 after 26 years as CEO for NAIOP NJ, as chief spokesman for the commercial real estate industry, where he directed state operations for the 800 plus member organization, overseeing government affairs, education, fundraising, membership development and public relations. From 1994 to 1997, he was acting director for Governor Whitman’s Office of Business Ombudsman.  He currently serves as a member of the Greater Trenton Advisory Committee, Our Lady of Sorrows School Board, NOFA NJ and is completing his Master Gardeners certification from the Mercer County Agricultural Extension Service (Rutgers University). Mike received his Masters in Forestry & Environmental Studies from Yale University and joined the ISLES Board in December 2023.