Ross Wishnick was a homebuilder for 25 years specializing in the development of active adult communities. He was a senior executive with Crestwood Village, Inc. (1978-1997), a New Jersey developer and one of the pioneers in that segment of the homebuilding industry. In addition, Mr. Wishnick was a founding director of First Washington State Bank headquartered in Windsor, New Jersey, and served as such from 1988 to 2005. He helped grow the bank from one branch to fifteen branches and from $3 million in assets to $500 million in assets.
For the past twelve years, Mr. Wishnick has been a member of and now chairs the Princeton Human Services Commission (2009-present), which provides services to youths and seniors in general assistance and advocacy for this segment of the local population. As part of this Commission, Mr. Wishnick took the lead on founding Send Hunger Packing Princeton (2013-present), which provides supplemental weekend food packages for students receiving free and reduced lunches. Mr. Wishnick is also a member of the advisory board of the Princeton Education Foundation (PEF) (2010-present). PEF supports excellence in Princeton Regional Schools by contributing raised funds for capital improvements, educational programs and teacher support.
Mr. Wishnick is also a member and treasurer of the Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee (PDMC) (2008-present) which is an elected position representing District 2. Ross Wishnick serves on the Bank of Princeton Board of Directors since 2007 and currently serves as Vice Chairman.