Learn organic ways of handling garden problems that are safe for you and the environment. Learn about the benefits and principles of composting, and the vital role that soils organisms play in plant health.
Join us on for a FREE job fair at Mercer County Community College hosted by our Trenton Community Street Teams (TCST). This job fair will include:- Youth & Adults- Summer Job Opportunities- Career Training ProgramsRegistration for this event is required.Please note there is a lunch break from 1:00 - 2:00 pm.
Members of the Isles Garden Support Network can pick up seeds & fertilizer along with warm-weather seedlings like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, & herbs.
Members of the Isles Garden Support Network can pick up seeds & fertilizer along with h warm-weather seedlings like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, & herbs.
Calling all young scientists and engineers! Isles will be hosting a youth environmental science club for students interested in overcoming the challenges facing our environment. In this club, we will conduct experiments, complete design challenges, and learn more about the environment and sustainability in general. The club will be held on Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:30 …
Be in the know when buying your first home. This full day workshop will guide you through the steps ofbecoming a homeowner:• What are the financial reasons to buy a home?• How much mortgage can I afford? Will I qualify?• What role does a realtor play? A lender? An inspector?Find out about available FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE(e.g., …
In addition to learning about basic tool use and care, we will discuss strategies for effective watering, weeding, and harvesting. Techniques for plant pruning & support are demonstrated as ways to maximize yield in the minimum amount of space.