Isles and our stakeholders want to know: do our services result in more self-reliant families and healthy, sustainable communities?
Our Impact
1,200 students received education, job training, and life skills through Isles Youth Institute since 1994.
Received in Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit funding, attracting an additional $3M+ to Trenton.
660 homes purchased or saved from foreclosure, enabling families to build and protect assets.
450 homes remediated to be lead-safe and healthy, protecting children from permanent lead poisoning.
200 community and school gardens established, growing tens of thousands of pounds of fresh produce.
Homes built or renovated with high standards of energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and sustainability.
Homes weatherized, reducing energy consumption by 25%, saving families over $280 per year in heating and energy costs.
3,800+ adults received energy and environmental job training and industry certifications for green-focused careers.
3,000 individuals received financial coaching, leading to improvements in credit scores, savings, and debt reduction.
The Benefits Flow
Where possible, Isles tracks the flow of benefits (or impacts) of our work. For example, this flow chart for Isles’ Healthy Homes services shows how impacts start at the individual/family level, them spread to communities and beyond. By understanding how these benefits flow, researchers and our own indicators can track whether these benefits are occurring, and ultimately, what the value of those benefits are compared to the cost of achieving them.
Where larger scale professional research or “meta” analyses are done, Isles learns from them, and may use that data for our own Return on Investment (ROI) calculations. For example, research shows that preventing a child from becoming permanently lead poisoned saves (mostly taxpayers) $17-$50 for every $1 invested in Isles-type approaches.

Archived outcomes
2020 Year in Review
2020 Highlights
2019 Year in Review
2019 Highlights
2018 Year in Review
2018 Highlights
2017 Year in Review
2017 Highlights
2016 Year in Review
2016 Highlights
2015 Year in Review
2015 Highlights
2014 Year in Review
2013 Year in Review
2012 Year in Review
2011 Year in Review
2010 Year in Review
2008 Year in Review